Oh boy am I in trouble with myself! I can't believe I haven't updated this blog in over two months! Bad Naomi! What is even more incredible is that I leave for Europe in exactly one week. For you non-math people that's 7 days! Woohoo! I have a lot of updates to give out!
First of all let me say I DID IT! I successfully raised OVER $4000 of trip money, and I have all of you to thank. Honestly, I couldn't have done it without your help and I continue to be amazed at all the generosity that has been show to me by family, friends, classmates, and anyone else who helped make this possible. Here are some really awesome things that have happened since I last posted:
- Received my Maimonides (Jewish class) stipend for $300
- Raised $130 and 30 euros taking my jar (pictured in this post) around to all my classes
- Given a generous donation of over $600 by my coworkers
- Awarded $800 for the IEF Scholarship
- Awarded $500 Honors Program Scholarship from the Alumni Foundation

Now with just a week left I have a long to-do list of things before I am ready to fly away for the next three weeks, but I'm really not able to contain my excitement. I know I have promised in the past, but I will be blogging from Europe and doing so more constantly than I have been in the past. In fact, I am getting a class of college credit for creating a photo journal of our trip and will be posting my entries here as well. I hope you continue to follow my blog as I begin this new adventure. Lastly, I cannot say thank you enough to anyone and everyone who supported me through this six month effort. It means more to me than you know.
Peace, Love, and soon to be in Paris ~ Naomi